Some points about new site
Thank you to my friends that pay attention to the real problems and didn't tell just their congrats.
I think this change will be a good way to advance.but if you fix the problems that are now.
I write some points that I see so far :
(please be patient and read all of them)
+ I think except download overall for each skin,you must show the download today for them,like before(under each item).
+ In myskin section,Its required to have the "arrange by type" helps to see all the categories nearby.
+ I prefer to see all the Items in myskins in one page(like before).Its easier to analyse them.
+ about Rating system,I think it doesn't work properly.I didn't see any changes when I give a high or low rate to a skin.
+ It's very better that we can see all the top downloads and top authors in their pages(like before).they are not clearly available now.and they haven't real numbers now.for example in bootskins top authors section you can see some low numbers like 21 or 17 for top authors.
+ when I update a skin description,It goes to the awaiting or processing section and didn't available in the site for some hours.
It's not required for such small changes.
+ How can I change the Items that I have in my first page.I thought that consist of recent items,but some of my new Items didn't appear there.please add a way to arrange them.
+ please show the top overall authors for each category.I like to know the bootskin or objectdock top overall cause more competition.
+ you can ask some of the masters in the Icon(like my friends Jairo or mormegil or ...) to create some nice Smilies for the site.the changed items are good but they aren't as impressive as they must be for an art site.(with many thanks to their author that I forget his name right now.)
(pardon me for my bad English
you can do a poll for some of them.
I like the Wincustomize very much.and I hope to see it more successful.